Life has been a little crazy here recently. For those of you that know my husband is in the Air Force he recently deployed for six months. My best friend has moved into the house with me so my food budget is slightly lower cooking for two females.
Cooper our puppy is now six months old. He had the snip yesterday so unfortunatly he is feeling a little groggy and struggling to get around with his cone but I'm hoping he will start feeling better soon. I plan to write his 6 month update soon.
Our biggest upcoming life change is that we are expecting our first baby in November. I am currently 16 weeks pregnant. We are very excited for this change and now that the morning sickness phrase has stopped I'm hoping to get back to blogging. I will most likely be including updates on what we are buying and taking pictures of our nursery. However I still plan on doing recipes, food hauls, food plans and some natural alternatives.
I hope you will enjoy reading about these big changes we have coming up. Have any of you got anything life changing happening this year?